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[ Previously Supreme Dynasty ]
[ Providing Restaurant, Bakery, and Dragon Story Database since 2011 ]
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= Bakery Story =

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You may encounter some periodic outages or blank pages as I update security. It's a much needed upgrade, but things may look broken as I go through them.

Please let me know if you find any duplicates :)

Please let me know if you find any duplicates :)

Sometimes, I don't complete goals as fast, so sending screenshots help to provide the information more quickly :)

updated Updated
Maintenance/Currently Updating Maintenance/Currently Updating, the website is still functional. Intermittent Updates.
Maintenance/Currently Updating Maintenance/Currently Updating, some features may not be working while I update.
Maintenance/Currently Updating Intermittently unavailable / updates delayed.

See previous announcments


Newly added Appliances:

|| Dogwood Oven || Dogwood Stove || Chinese Zodiac Oven || Chinese Zodiac Stove || Dorothys Oven || Witch of the West Stove ||

Next Update? (estimate) -- Jan 29 (5 days) . Feb 4 (14 days) . Feb 5 (5 days) .

Sorry about the updates. Been really busy with work and home responsibilities.

I've added a new Parts Finder (ver2) if you'd like to check it out! Restaurant & Bakery

Bakery Navigation is fixed

Catarons Macarons
Catarons Macarons
[ ]
Gamerologizm databases and websites are provided to the public for free. Nobody or entity is paying me for the work I do to keep this site up. All developments are done in my free time (what little there is between work, higher education, and family). If you find Gamerologizm useful, please consider contributing :) . Remember, I am only ONE person :). Also note, that I do not work for TeamLava/Storm8.
recent storm8 ID
Add: bluefangs2002
Comment: Name: Bluefangs; just starting out

Add: amilasapa
Comment: a.k.a. F¡af¡a St?rl¡ng; also managing Resto Story with Ban V?n Dev?e

1372 ID submissions

Enter your ID here | Show ID & Comments

Restaurant Name: SupremeDynasty (name of old website)

I don't tip often; mostly silent tipper.

Gifting: I try to gift when I can. More active around goals; I barely finish goals. I accept/send the 2nd appliance parts on the 2nd or 3rd day of the goal. Always accept requests. I try to gift the parts you need, but time is not always on my side. I need gifting neighbors.

Neighbors: I accept all friend requests, because I know how hard it can be finding neighbors that will accept people starting out. I also occasionally delete neighbors when neighbors reach 400+ and if it's been a while since activity; No real sure way of telling when though. Sometimes I accidentally delete good neighbors because of delays (or fat fingers :/ ), so I apologize. Definitely add me again!

Videos are done when I can for those who were asking :).

Blocking: Sometimes you may receive a message that you've been blocked. Please do not be alarmed or offended. I use the block feature to clear my wall and is only temporary. I unblock when I finish, but sometimes I forget to do that, so please forgive me!

Latest Video Apr 24, 2024

Restaurant Visits 2024-04-24

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Message Board
- Anyone else going crazy with the new goal format? I’m wasting hard earned gems just to get through ????
MzDLish - Add MzDLish on Restaurant and Bakery Story if you are a daily player that tip and gift goal and basic parts. Silent daily players welcome
MzDLish - Add MzDLish on Restaurant and Bakery Story if you are a daily player that tip and gift goal and basic parts. Silent daily players welcome
- I was looking through the gifts & noticed a few oven manuals & recipe manual gift options. Will these allow access to the ovens or recipes they are for?
- Does any one else have trouble finishing the goals since RS changed the amount of dishes you have to cook/, 40 dishes at 10 hours to cook each?

Write a Message

Random Tips

Don't sell your unused appliances, Storm8 has been re-using appliances for new recipes on the 5-day goals.

See all tips

Please, don't forget to submit feedback if you are liking the New Tools, Features, and Filters! :) Restaurant & Bakery Parts Tool.

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appliance list

filter options - appliances
*Level coming soon.

Look out for spaces, double spaces, and spelling errors, otherwise, you'll have no results.

sort options

3 Bears Oven
After Xmas Sale Oven
After Xmas Sale Stove
Alice Oven
Ambrosia Chiller
American Oven
Amethyst Oven
Anti Griddle
Arepa Oven
Around the World Oven
Arrangement Stations
Artisan Bread Oven
Artsy Icebox
Autumn Drink Machine
Autumn Elegance Oven
Autumn Leaf Cider Machine
Autumn Oven B
Autumn Pie Oven
Autumn Turquoise Oven
Autumn Turquoise Stove
Bake Sale Oven
Bakesgiving Oven
Baking Oven
Ballpark Fountain
Banana Stand
Banner Oven
Barbecue Oven
Barnyard Oven B
Barnyard Oven B2021
Barnyard Stove B
Barrel Stove
Basic Drink Mixer
Basic Oven B
Basket Oven
Bavarian Stove
Beach Baker
Beach Oven
Beehive Oven
Belle Oven
Big Apple Oven
Big City Baker
Blue Bun Oven
Blue Gift Stove
Blue Pink Stove
Blue Team Baker
Blues Oven
Bountiful Oven
Bountiful Stove
Bow Fountain
Bread Machine
Breakfast Oven
Brick Oven
Bright Prep Table
Bubble Tea Maker
Bunny Drink Machine
Bunny Ears Oven
Bunny Oven
Bussing Oven
Cabin Stove
Cackling Drink Maker
Cackling Oven
Caffe la Macchina
Calaveras Fountain
Calaveras Oven
Caliente Oven
Camping Drink Mixer
Campy Cute Stove
Canape Oven
Candy Cane Maker
Candy Cauldron
Candy Cooker
Candy Corn Oven
Candy Hatchery
Candy Oven
Cassette Deck
Castle Oven
CatEr Waves
CatSpresso Machine
Celestial Oven
Cereal Oven
Char Cutie Rie Station
Cheesecake Chiller
Cherry Blossom Oven
Cherry Blossom Stove
Cherry Oven
Chilly Oven
Chinese Zodiac Oven
Chinese Zodiac Stove
Choco Egg Oven
Choco Egg Stove
Choco Love Oven
Chocolate Raspberry
Chroma Stove
Cider Press
Citrusmas Oven
Citrusmas Stove
City Cooker
Classic Bread Oven
Clay Oven
Clover Oven B
Coaster Oven
Cocoa Maker B
Coffee Machine
Coffin Drink Machine
Cold Brew Machine
Cold Treat Machine
Colombian Coffee Machine
Colonial Oven
Color Oven
Colorful Popcorn Maker
Colorful Popcorn Stove
Commercial Oven
Confetti Oven
Cookie Dough Maker
Cool Bubble Oven
Cornucopi Oven
Cornucopia Oven
Cottage Oven
Cottage Stove
Cotton Tail Stove
Creature Cauldron
Crocheted Stove
Cursed Oven
Cursed Stove
Cute Camp Oven
Deadly Drink Machine
Deep Fryer
Deep Sea Oven
Dim Sum Station
Disco Stove
Disposable Stove
Dogwood Oven
Dogwood Stove
Donut Fryer
Dorothys Oven
Drizzled Oven
Drum Kit Oven
Dublin Dessert Oven
Duckling Stove
Easy Oven B
Electric Kettle
Elegant Oven
Emerald Isle Oven
Emerald Oven
Engine Block Stove
Equestrian Oven
Espresso Machine
Experiment Oven
Fairy Tale Oven
Fall Drink Maker
Fall Fountain
Fall Oven
Fancy Drink Machine
Fantasy Stove
Fire Pit
Firework Oven
Flag Stove
Floral Cider Machine
Floral Fountain
Floral Oven
Floral Stove
Flower Bloom Oven
Fluffy Oven
Fondue Fountain
Forno di Pasticcino
Four Leaf Oven
Frappe Fountain
French Coffee Press
French Cookie Oven
Frosty Freezer
Frosty Stove
Frozen Banana Stand
Frozen Coffee Machine
Frozen Drink Machine
Frozen Fruit Fountain
Frozen Gift Machine
Frozen Gift Oven
Frozen Stove
Fruit Chocolate Dip
Fruit Juicer B
Fudge Station
Galaxy Oven
Garden Cottage Oven
Garden Fountain
Garden Grove Stove
Garden Oven
Gelato Cart
Glazed Stove
Gold Gilded Oven
Golden Bird Stove
Gothic Home Oven
Gourd Oven
Gourmet Soda Machine
Grand Slam Oven
Grape Oven
Grape Stove
Grapefruit Cooker
Greco Oven
Green Shop Stove
Griddle B
Guitar Oven
Hallo Oven
Harvest Candy Maker
Harvest Fair Oven
Harvest Fair Stove
Harvest Oven B
Harvest Stove B
Haunted Drink Machine
Haunted Home Stove
Haute Stove
Hawaiian Oven
Hay Bale Fountain
Headstone Oven
Healthy Oven
Healthy Sweets Machine
Heart Bakers Oven
Hi Fi Player
HOHOHOliday Oven
HOHOHOliday Stove
Holiday Drink Mixer
Holiday Night Oven
Holiday Oven
Homey Stove
Honey Maker
Honey Mixer
Honeycomb Oven
Horseshoe Stove
Ice Box
Ice Cream Maker
Import Ice Creamery
Inspired Oven
Intergalactic Stove
Interstellar Fountain
Iron Oven
Italian Oven
Italian Soda Fountain
Ivy Grown Stove
Jam Maker
Jazz Oven
Juneteenth Chiller
Juneteenth Oven B
Kettle Oven
Khmer Oven
Khmer Stove
Kingpin Oven
Kingpin Treat Machine
Kitchen Stove
Kitschy Oven
Koi Pond Oven
Ladoo Cooker
Lamp Oven
Laughter Oven
Leprechaun Luck Oven
Leprechaun Luck Oven
Loaf Oven
London Oven
Lorettas Oven
Lounge Stove
Love Letter Oven
Lucky Gold Oven
Lucky Oven
Lunar New Year Drink Maker
Lunar New Year Oven
Lunar Oven
Luxury Oven
Mad Lab Machine
Mardi Gras Oven
Marigold Muerte Oven
Marigold Muerte Stove
Masquerade Stove
Mayflower Maker
Mediterranean Stove
Melon Chiller
Melon Oven
Miami Drink Mixer
Miami Oven
Micro Door Oven
Mini Heater Stove
Monster Oven B
Moon Festival Fountain
Moon Festival Oven
Morning Mixer
Morning Oven
Mother Goose Stove
Motherly Oven
Movie Night Oven
Mrs Claus Kettle Warmer
Mrs Claus Oven
Museum Oven
Musical Drink Machine
My Cupcake Oven
Mystical Oven
Mystical Stove
New Dawn Dispenser
New Dawn Oven
Nona Oven
North Polar Oven
Northeastern Dispenser
Northeastern Oven
Nuptial Oven B
Nursery Rhyme Oven
Ocean Oven
Octob Oven
Old Brick Oven
Ominous Oven
Opalescent Machine
Orchid Oven
Orchid Swirler
Outdoor Spring Oven
Packaged Stove
Palace Stove
Paleta Chiller
Pampered Oven
Pampered Range
Pancake Griddle
Pansy Oven
Parade Cotton Candy Maker
Parade Fountain
Paradise Oven
Parfait Potion
Pastel Dispenser
Pastel Holiday Fountain
Pastel Holiday Oven
Pastel Oven B
Pastry Cart
Patisserie Oven
Patriotic Oven
Patriotic Stove
Peachy Mixer
Peachy Oven
Peacock Oven
Peacock Sweets Machine
Pearlescent Baker
Pearlescent Mixer
Peppermint Stove
Persistent Glass Stove
Petal Oven
Petal Pastry Oven
Phone Box
Picnic Basket
Pie Oven
Pillow Oven
Pillow Stove
Pink Blue Oven
Pink Pumpkin Drink Machine
Pink Pumpkin Stove
Pinstripe Oven
Pinstripe Oven
Pioneer Oven
Pirate Oven
Plant Based Stove
Pond Drink Machine
Popcorn Maker B
Powdered Oven
Powdered Stove
Prankster Oven
Princess Oven
Prismatic Oven
Puebla Drink Maker
Puebla Oven
Puff Oven
Pumpkin Patch Dispenser
Pumpkin Patch Oven
Pumpkin Producer
Pumpkin Stove
Quaint Cooker
Quaint Stove
Quilted Oven
Radiant Oven
Rainbow Cloud Oven
Rainbow Oven
Red Bird Oven
Red Gift Stove
Red Shop Oven
Red Team Oven
Reds Oven
Relaxed Oven
Resolute Drinks
Retro Heart Oven
Rocket Oven
Rocky Oven
Roller Malt Maker
Roller Oven
Rollercoaster Soda Fountain
Roman Hearth
Romantic Stove B
Rose Gold Oven
Rose Gold Stove
Rose Oven
Rosey Reservoir
Royal Oven
Ruby Oven
Rustic Gingerbread Oven
Sandy Oven B
Santas Oven
Santas Shop Fountain
Santas Shop Oven
Sapphire Oven
Savory Cafe Oven
Scandinavian Stove
Schmear Stove
Shamrock Oven B
Shamrock Stove B
Shaved Ice Maker
Shimmering Stove
Shine Stove
Shore Wood Oven
Shoreline Oven
Shoreline Stove
Shortbread Oven
Sicilian Oven
Silver Studded Stove
Snack Cooler
Snowman Fountain
Snowman Stove
Snowy Cabin Stove
Softy Machine
Southwest Oven
Space Stove
Spangled Stove
Special Petal Stove
Spectral Oven
Spooky Cauldron
Spooky Oven
Spooky Soda Machine
Spooky Stove
Spring Kettle
Spring Tea Kettle
Staggered Stove
Stainless Steel Oven
Starry Stove
Starship Stove
Steam Oven
Stylish Heart Stove
Succulent Fountain
Succulent Oven
Sugar Coater
Sugar Heart Stove
Sugar n Spicy Chiller
Sugar n Spicy Oven
Sultan Fountain
Summer Icebox
Sun Oven
Sunny Oven
Sunrise Potting Platform
Sunset Boulevard Stove
Sunset Seeding Station
Susurrous Oven
Sweet Bagel Oven
Sweet Cafe Stove
Sweet Dream Stove
Sweet Drink Mixer
Sweet N Spice
SweetCo Station
Swiss Oven
Tartan Mixer
Tartan Oven
Tea Cup Stove
Tea Infuser
Tea Party Prepper
Tea Shop Brewer
Tea Shop Oven
Tea Time Kettle
Tea Time Oven
Teddy Oven
Tempering Marble
Terracotta Pot Oven
Texas Fryer
Texas Oven
Thankful Stove B
Tidal Prep Grill
Tinsel Cooler
Tinsel Oven
Toaster Oven
Too Pink Oven
Topsy Oven
Traditional Oven
Treasure Oven
Treat Dispenser
Tricky Butler
Tropic Juice Maker
Tropic Oven
Tropical Oven
Truffle Maker
Turkey Oven
Turning Glass Oven
Turvey Stove
United Nations Oven
Valentine Drink Machine
Victorian Oven
Victorian Stove
Vintage Mixer
Vocal Range
Warm Bubble Oven
Water Infuser
Wave Crash Oven
Whip Fountain
White Aster Oven
Wicked Oven B
Wild West Stove
Windmill Oven
Winter Cider Maker
Winter Frost Fountain
Winter Frost Oven
Winter Oven B
Winter Wedding Oven
Winter Wonder Oven
Winterful Drink Maker
Winterful Oven
Wisteria Stove
Witch of the West Stove
Witches Cauldron B
Witchy Oven
Witchy Treats
Wonderous Oven
Woodland Oven
World Games Oven
Wrapped Oven
XO Oven
Yacht Stove
Ye Olde Oven
Ye Olde Stove B
Yoga Stove
Yogurt Chiller
Yuletide Candy Maker
Yuletide Oven

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since 2012 (Sehana Fortress, SupremeDynasty, Gamerologizm)

Gamerologizm visitors since March 2017

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