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[ Previously Supreme Dynasty ]
[ Providing Restaurant, Bakery, and Dragon Story Database since 2011 ]
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You may encounter some periodic outages or blank pages as I update security. It's a much needed upgrade, but things may look broken as I go through them.

Please let me know if you find any duplicates :)

Please let me know if you find any duplicates :)

Sometimes, I don't complete goals as fast, so sending screenshots help to provide the information more quickly :)

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Maintenance/Currently Updating Maintenance/Currently Updating, the website is still functional. Intermittent Updates.
Maintenance/Currently Updating Maintenance/Currently Updating, some features may not be working while I update.
Maintenance/Currently Updating Intermittently unavailable / updates delayed.

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Newly added Dragons: Lastest Dragons added

|| Forester || Curse || Bardic || Storybook || Roguish || Hobgoblin || Loot || Classic || Magus || Warrior ||

So it's been a while since I've been able to even open Dragon Story and can't really play anymore as it keeps crashing. My device shouldn't be the issue. Apologies for the lack of updates on Dragon Story!

Dragons have been finally updated! :)

Dragons have been added for this month (March) so far.... :)

Cataron Cat Macaron
Cataron Cat Macaron
[ ]
Gamerologizm databases and websites are provided to the public for free. Nobody or entity is paying me for the work I do to keep this site up. All developments are done in my free time (what little there is between work, higher education, and family). If you find Gamerologizm useful, please consider contributing :) . Remember, I am only ONE person :). Also note, that I do not work for TeamLava/Storm8.
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1120 ID submissions
Message Board
- Anyone else going crazy with the new goal format? I’m wasting hard earned gems just to get through ????
MzDLish - Add MzDLish on Restaurant and Bakery Story if you are a daily player that tip and gift goal and basic parts. Silent daily players welcome
MzDLish - Add MzDLish on Restaurant and Bakery Story if you are a daily player that tip and gift goal and basic parts. Silent daily players welcome
- I was looking through the gifts & noticed a few oven manuals & recipe manual gift options. Will these allow access to the ovens or recipes they are for?
- Does any one else have trouble finishing the goals since RS changed the amount of dishes you have to cook/, 40 dishes at 10 hours to cook each?

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Dragon Story Map (PDF) (Sehana's Map)

Copy the document and you can fill it out for your dragons.

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Essential Oil roll ons inspired by Dragon Story

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Fire Egg Forest Egg Mercury Egg Air Egg Balloon Egg Buttercup Egg Life Egg Mantaray Egg New England Egg Party Egg Peridot Egg Adorable Egg Aetherstorm Egg Anaphor Egg Aplomb Egg Athena Egg Azorchid Egg Azoul Egg Bambino Egg Cache Egg Cadmium Egg Canopy Egg Chimney Egg Chirping Egg Chorus Egg Clarity Egg Comfy Egg Confectionary Egg Confounded Egg Coronation Egg Crimson Sky Egg Cute Egg Cutesy Egg Dark Egg Darkhound Egg Darkstone Egg Darling Egg Daybreak Egg Delphinium Egg Desert Egg Ebb Egg Ecto Egg Eidolon Egg Envious Egg Ephemeral Egg Fairy Queen Egg Featherdance Egg Ferret Egg Festive Egg Firegrass Egg Firststep Egg Fledgling Egg Focal Egg Forester Egg Frilly Egg Frostnight Egg Fury Egg Garland Egg Geist Egg Gentle Giant Egg Gentleman Egg Ghastly Egg Gildclaw Egg Gleeful Egg Glitzy Egg Glowfloat Egg Gold Pheasant Egg Gorgon Egg Grand Amber Egg Grand Gemstone Egg Grand Zodiac Egg Green Quetzal Egg Greensight Egg Greenstone Egg Hallowind Egg Haunted Virgo Egg Helianthus Egg Hierophant Egg Hippogriff Egg Honeymoon Egg Hyper Stone Egg Hyper World Egg Jade Hook Egg Jealous Egg Joy Egg Khnum Egg Lacquered Egg Lamiales Egg Lightfoot Egg Lilwing Egg Loch Ness Egg Luna Egg Lunar Egg Lyra Egg Magician Egg Magician Egg Mango Egg March Mayhem Egg Merriment Egg Mindcone Egg Mint Egg Moonseeker Egg Nap Egg Night Light Egg Nightmist Egg Nightsky Egg Noctillum Egg Obelisk Egg Omen Egg Orator Egg Orion Egg Pale Lantern Egg Palm Egg Peppermint Mocha Egg Pom Pom Egg Powershine Egg Praetorian Egg Pretty Petal Egg Prettygeist Egg Primal Earth Egg Primal Might Egg Primal Sky Egg Pyxis Egg Qilin Egg Rarity Egg Razorclaw Egg Reclamation Egg Red Leaf Egg Redemptioin Egg Regal Egg Reverie Egg Risen Egg Roar Egg Runoff Egg Sabertooth Egg Satyr Egg Scoundrel Egg Scrying Egg Seafrost Egg Seagarden Egg Seashore Egg Shade Egg Silky Egg Silky Egg Single Egg Siren Egg Skyguide Egg Snowbrute Egg Snowguide Egg Snug Egg Solo Egg Somber Egg Sparkle Egg Sprout Egg Stark Might Egg Stormshade Egg Sustainable Egg Tannenbaum Egg Tempered Egg Tender Heart Egg Thebes Egg Thoth Egg Toll Egg Topiary Egg Torpor Egg Trueguide Egg Undergrowth Egg Venturous Egg Venus Egg Viola Egg Violight Egg Viridian Egg Visiter Egg Wealth Egg Weasel Egg Werewolf Egg White Steed Egg Whitebloom Egg Wickwing Egg Wight Egg Wildbloom Egg Wisdom Egg Wiselord Egg Wonder Egg Earth Day Egg Enamored Egg Fates Egg Four Leaf Egg Kitsune Egg Love Egg Parakeet Egg Shell Egg Volt Egg Awoken Egg Chaotic Egg Cosmos Egg Druid Egg Emberglow Egg Hercules Egg Landworm Egg Leaf Egg Mammoth Egg Prophecy Egg Rapunzel Egg Were Egg Wild Egg Clown Egg Forestfire Egg Pumpkin Egg Seer Egg Spellspine Egg Zeus Egg Archangel Egg Cornucopia Egg Cosmic Egg Disco Egg Divine Egg Elements Egg Emerald Egg Explorer Egg Fairy Egg Fluffy Egg Fuzzy Egg Genie Egg Godmother Egg Hera Egg Hermes Egg Hoot Egg Jade Egg Jester Egg Leprechaun Egg Lunar Horse Egg Lunar Rainbow Egg Marigold Egg Metal Egg Mossrock Egg Origami Egg Pride Egg Prism Egg Red Lantern Egg Rose Egg Royal Egg Seahorse Egg Sparkler Egg Stone Egg Stone Spirit Egg Thanksgiving Egg Tinsel Egg Tree Frog Egg Virgo Egg Whiplash Egg Bat Egg Bountiful Egg Celestial Egg Chrome Egg Firemane Egg Gaia Egg Goblin Egg Healer Egg Iris Egg Light Egg Naga Egg New Year Egg Parrot Egg Smoke Egg Snow Elf Egg Sunbeam Egg Teacup Egg Turkey Egg Twilight Egg Witch Egg Aquarius Egg Archon Egg Cactus Egg Coral Egg Fairytale Egg Final Cheer Egg Fruitful Egg Gloriosa Egg Griffin Egg Honeybee Egg Hook Egg Madder Egg Messenger Egg Music Egg Neo Bubble Egg Neo Magic Egg Neon Egg Nyx Egg Paradise Egg Pisces Egg Quicksilver Egg Sugar Plum Egg Sunblaze Egg 8 Bit Egg Athletic Egg Butterfly Egg Charisma Egg Chess Egg Flamingo Egg Kite Egg Madagascar Egg Mask Egg Mirage Egg Sunflower Egg Tropic Egg Winter Games Egg Birthstone Egg Boo Egg Bright Daisy Egg Capricorn Egg Cheshire Egg Dapper Egg Dark Phoenix Egg Devil Egg Dino Egg Easter Egg Firestorm Egg Gemstone Egg Goodwitch Egg Hades Egg Helios Egg Independence Egg Iridescent Egg Laceleaf Egg LeftHeart Egg Macaw Egg Manticore Egg Mermaid Egg Mistmoth Egg Mother Egg Mythic Egg Neo Cancer Egg Neo Libra Egg Neo Pixie Egg Neo Sagittarius Egg Neo Scorpio Egg Neptune Egg Nightstalker Egg Oracle Egg Pixie Egg Pterodactyl Egg Rex Egg RightHeart Egg Ruby Egg Scorpio Egg Scylla Egg Taurus Egg Tigerfly Egg Triceratops Egg Trojan Egg Twilight Rose Egg Water Egg Wildflower Egg Winter Egg Winter Rose Egg Artemis Egg Astromancer Egg Citrus Egg Clockwork Egg Gingerbread Egg Hypnotic Egg Invisible Egg Lavender Egg Lorekeeper Egg Neo Turquoise Egg Rainy Day Egg Scorpion Egg Behemoth Egg Big Bad Egg Cancer Egg Castle Egg Chameleon Egg Coastal Egg Eagle Egg Eclipse Egg Elf Egg Flower Egg Horizon Egg Humming Egg Illusion Egg Leopard Egg Mist Egg Night Elf Egg Noble Egg Pansy Egg Patchwork Egg Polaris Egg Rainbow Egg Santa Egg Seafarer Egg Spicy Egg Tigers Eye Egg Tricorn Egg Valentine Egg Atlantis Egg Aurora Egg Crystal Ornament Egg Deep Egg Dionysus Egg Father Egg Future Egg Gadget Egg Gemini Egg Giftwrap Egg Honeysuckle Egg Ivory Pearl Egg Laserlight Egg Neo Moon Egg Never Ending Egg Past Egg Plum Blossom Egg Present Egg Spark Egg Tinkerer Egg Toxic Egg Water Rune Egg Winter Lily Egg Wooden Egg Aether Egg Ambassador Egg Amethyst Egg Android Egg Apollo Egg Blue Moon Egg Bonfire Egg Charm Egg Electric Egg Fireflower Egg Fortune Teller Egg Jingle Bell Egg Lumberjack Egg Lunar Ram Egg Neo Taurus Egg Neo Virgo Egg Parade Egg Passion Egg Porcelain Egg Prime Life Egg Prime Taurus Egg Raven Egg Saturn Egg Serpent Egg Stocking Egg Succulent Egg Sugar Skull Egg Summer Elf Egg Tie Dye Egg Tiny Egg Vinecrawler Egg Armor Egg Atlas Egg Black Swan Egg Cloud Egg Deep Sea Egg Dream Egg Henna Egg Inuit Egg Lantern Egg Liberty Egg Luck Egg Mardi Gras Egg Medusa Egg Midnight Egg Mosaic Egg Neo Gold Egg Pyre Egg Sniffles Egg Super Egg Voodoo Doll Egg Beau Egg Cerberus Egg Crystal Fyre Egg Cupid Egg Daydreamer Egg Deep Freeze Egg Familiar Egg Holographic Egg Lacewing Egg Melody Egg Neo Goblin Egg Nymph Egg Peacock Egg Pearl Egg Prime Energy Egg Siamese Egg Sweetie Egg Trickster Egg Waverider Egg Double Rainbow Egg Equinox Egg Hunter Egg Ice Cream Egg Neo Capricorn Egg Neo Ophiuchus Egg Owl Egg Paper Lantern Egg Planet Egg Sour Candy Egg Beaded Egg Carnival Egg Chocolate Egg Crownprince Egg Cupcake Egg Cyber Egg Darksteel Egg Fireworks Egg Golem Egg Hot Chocolate Egg Island Egg Magic Egg Neo Aries Egg Ringbearer Egg Sagittarius Egg Sapphire Egg Spell Egg Troll Egg Turquoise Egg Turtle Egg Admirer Egg Brilliant Egg Circuit Egg Darkmoon Egg Duchess Egg Leo Egg Neo Gemini Egg Neo Leo Egg New Zealand Egg Onyx Egg Poison Egg Shoreline Egg Snowman Egg Social Egg Tusker Egg Breeze Egg Eco Egg Mindvolt Egg Morning Glory Egg Quartz Egg Triple Rainbow Egg Wizard Egg Caesar Egg Carol Egg Cauldron Egg Dark Angel Egg Eve Egg Icebreaker Egg Neo Bride Egg Night Egg Prime Magic Egg Wishlist Egg Aries Egg Black Diamond Egg Bride Egg Czech Egg Ice Queen Egg Japanese Egg Merry Egg Red Queen Egg Sunrise Egg Topaz Egg Gorgeous Egg Justice Egg Penumbra Egg Prime Loyal Egg Bubble Egg Cherry Blossom Egg Dawntree Egg Enchantress Egg Grandma Egg Pegasus Egg XO Egg Diamond Prism Egg Elder Egg Libra Egg Little Monster Egg Lovestruck Egg Raindance Egg Seasonal Egg Mech Egg Prime Power Egg Spanish Egg Zombie Egg Candy Hoard Egg Glimmer Egg Incognito Egg Neo Aquarius Egg Neo Pisces Egg Ophiuchus Egg Moon Egg Star Topper Egg Beryl Egg Prime Chroma Egg Prime Void Egg Quetzal Egg Titan Egg Virtue Egg Chakra Egg Diamond Horn Egg Unicorn Egg Crown Jewel Egg Gossamer Egg Anubis Egg Infinity Egg Quasar Egg Ridgeback Egg Angel Egg Crusader Egg Diamond Egg Gold Egg Achilles Egg Prime Eternal Egg Valiant Egg Meteor Egg Yeti Egg Blizzard Egg Sabretooth Egg Killerwhale Egg Snowflake Egg Polar Egg Alpine Egg Penguin Egg Icecrown Egg Icicle Egg Snowangel Egg Ice Age Egg Fossil Egg Abominable Egg Bedrock Egg Cave Egg Sasquatch Egg Dark Crystal Egg Allsort Egg Aegis Egg Alabaster Egg Alpenglow Egg Anthurium Egg Ariadne Egg Athenian Egg Avian Egg Blooming Egg Canary Egg Canis Egg Carmine Egg Cassiopeia Egg Cerulean Egg Charger Egg Charybdis Egg Chevron Egg Circinus Egg Compassionate Egg Coniferous Egg Costume Egg Crete Egg Crystalline Egg Deal Egg Deciduous Egg Diplomat Egg Down Egg Elite Egg Equuleus Egg Fearless Egg Feather Egg Fellspell Egg Fiesta Egg Flame Egg Flavus Egg Flood Egg Folklorico Egg Freesia Egg Fuchsia Egg Gladiolus Egg Ground Egg Gust Egg Herculean Egg Hoplite Egg Hubris Egg Hybrid Egg Hydrangea Egg Ice Egg Ignition Egg Indigo Egg Inspirational Egg Kirin Egg Lava Egg Lepus Egg Lernean Egg Lich Egg Lisianthus Egg Lupine Egg Matador Egg Minerva Egg Minotaur Egg Navy Egg Nimbus Egg Nordlight Egg Oddfire Egg Odyssean Egg Offering Egg Pantheon Egg Paper Flower Egg Patina Egg Pear Egg Precious Egg Prickly Egg Protective Egg Revitalizing Egg Rock Egg Sage Egg Serape Egg Slate Egg Stag Egg Strategist Egg Stratum Egg Sunglow Egg Sunrise Begonia Egg Taffy Egg Terran Anemone Egg Theseus Egg Thorn Egg Triarch Egg Vampiric Egg Vinca Egg Violet Egg Vulpecula Egg Wave Egg Wilderness Egg Wind Egg Aladdin Egg Dame of Darkness Egg Jack Egg Lord of Light Egg Phoenix Egg Playful Egg Seeker Egg Apprentice Egg Banshee Egg Carousel Egg Delver Egg Fungi Egg King Egg Lonestar Egg Moonlight Egg Nomad Egg Splatter Egg Sultana Egg Sunlight Egg Surprise Egg Tanuki Egg Thoughtful Egg Toil Egg Astro Egg Beast Egg Comic Egg Creator Egg Forgefather Egg Grumblesnore Egg haunted Aquarius Egg Haunted Leo Egg Haunted Scorpio Egg Jewelry Egg Jupiter Egg Maple Egg Neo Black Egg Portal Egg Radiant Egg Sailor Egg Sorceress Egg Stardust Egg Stargazer Egg Sunken Egg Tracker Egg White Glass Egg Whitecap Egg Abra Egg Amber Soul Egg Amphora Egg Arcane Egg Arch Metal Egg Arch Metal Egg Ashfeather Egg Basket Egg Bastet Egg Blitz Egg Bound Egg Broadleaf Egg Bundled Egg Camelot Egg Celebration Egg Celtic Egg Censer Egg Charioteer Egg Charioteer Egg Chromatic Egg Cosmigloom Egg Cotton Candy Egg Curio Egg Cursed Rose Egg Elmblue Egg Embarrassed Egg Entrapped Egg Expression Egg Felicity Egg Festive Night Egg Flame Queen Egg Fond Egg Forbidden Egg Foundation Egg Freeshine Egg Gatekeeper Egg Gathering Egg Ghost Armor Egg Gift Bow Egg Giftstream Egg Glitterstream Egg Guidance Egg Harvest Egg Haunted Egg Haunted Capricorn Egg Haunted Sagittarius Egg Herbaceous Egg Host Egg Hyacinth Egg Ifrit Egg Indolent Egg Lattice Egg Light Haunt Egg Mage Egg Mingle Egg Neo Bat Egg Neo Fire Egg Nightfire Egg Nightstream Egg Noble Queen Egg Oddwave Egg Pale Vine Egg Pocus Egg Prankster Egg Prismatic Egg Providence Egg Psychedelic Egg Pyramid Egg Rainbow Plume Egg Redwing Egg Regalwave Egg Relaxed Egg Resolve Egg Reticulum Egg Rosebloom Egg Rosebloom Egg Ruckus Egg Sea Dancer Egg Sealine Egg Shyness Egg Skyfun Egg Skylight Egg Snowstorm Egg Soulstep Egg Starlight Egg Sunray Egg Thunderstrike Egg Tourmaline Egg Vigor Egg Whimsy Egg Wild Rose Egg Wingstroke Egg Adrift Princess Egg Argentinian Egg Basilisk Egg Bronze Egg Chronicler Egg Crypt Egg Daisy Egg Dark Omen Egg Foxglove Egg Frozen Egg Ghost Egg Guardian Angel Egg Ignis Egg Little Hero Egg Lost Love Egg Moss Egg Neo Black Pearl Egg Neo Meteor Egg Noel Egg Novadream Egg Old Watcher Egg Olympus Egg Protector Egg Rainbow Sentinel Egg Ranger Egg Rose Quartz Egg Sand Castle Egg Sky Fyre Egg Spooky Egg Star Lorikeet Egg Steelflare Egg Sunken Prince Egg Toothy Egg White Magic Egg Yule Egg Adoreskull Egg Adventure Egg Arch Elemental Egg Argument Egg Birch Egg Bold Egg Calm Egg Cameo Egg Chime Egg Chitter Egg Christmas Tree Egg Coolwind Egg Corgi Egg Dawnleaf Egg Decoration Egg Delightful Egg Dignified Egg Dusky Lory Egg Eared Egg Ectoplasm Egg Elusive Egg Enameled Egg End Egg End Egg Faethorn Egg Farsight Egg Florial Egg Fragrance Egg Frightmare Egg Glowstorm Egg Green Christmas Egg Handler Egg Haunted Areies Egg Haunted Gemini Egg Haunted Gemini Egg Haze Egg Holly Egg Hopeless Egg Ice Giant Egg Idol Egg Intimate Egg Intrepid Egg Jasmine Egg Jungle Warrior Egg Lovepup Egg Masque Egg Mellocream Egg Merfolk Egg Moonglow Egg Musketeer Egg Neo Air Egg Neo Forest Egg Neo Tinsel Egg Nightlight Egg Ocean Lily Egg Osiris Egg Peace Egg Petallic Egg Phantom Egg Playtime Egg Punk Egg Rising Sun Egg Rosefish Egg Rushlight Egg Saurian Egg Saurian Egg Seafish Egg Sealord Egg Shaman Egg Sharing Egg Shatterfrost Egg Smitten Egg Snowhound Egg Space Egg Starcrossed Egg Stayhome Egg Sterling Silver Egg Stormie Egg Sunsnake Egg Swan Egg Sylvan Egg Tiding Egg Tomb Egg Tri Egg Truffle Egg Twisted Egg Wolfish Egg Zinnia Egg Ares Egg Bramble Egg Highland Egg Romantic Egg Seabreeze Egg Seaglass Egg Sunset Egg Vampire Egg Vietnamese Egg Viking Egg Wisp Egg Bliss Egg Bluejay Egg Brightsteel Egg Bubble Gum Egg Cardinal Egg Creation Egg Dark Naga Egg Deep Space Egg Dracula Egg Dreamcatcher Egg Fireflash Egg Galleon Egg Gargoyle Egg Glitter Egg Half Giant Egg Loyal Egg Magnetic Egg Marshmallow Egg May Egg Pinata Egg Platinum Egg Polynesian Egg Radioactive Egg Secret Egg Snow Owl Egg Snowmelt Egg Soccer Egg Soulmate Egg Spartan Egg Speedheart Egg Supernova Egg Torchlight Egg Trick Egg Visitor Egg Winter Solstice Egg Ancient Egg Chimera Egg Drake Egg Frost Sapphire Egg Geode Egg Harvest Moon Egg Poseidon Egg Razorback Egg Redtail Egg Scarbolt Egg Angelfire Egg Avatar Egg Berserker Egg Birthday Egg Black Pearl Egg Candle Egg Coconut Egg Dark Chroma Egg Ember Ruby Egg Fire Opal Egg Firefly Egg Forest Fyre Egg Gentle Knight Egg Germany Egg Glider Egg Greek Egg Jaeger Egg Kenyan Egg Lily Egg Little Wizard Egg Lollipop Egg Marble Egg Neo Rose Egg Old Hermit Egg Poinsettia Egg Red Rose Egg Scarab Egg Storm8 Egg Teddy Egg Trick or Treat Egg Warrior Princess Egg Waterfall Egg Antique Egg Aphrodite Egg Azurite Egg Black Rose Egg Blue Magpie Egg Cinnamon Egg Crocus Egg Dahlia Egg Dark Water Egg Halfblood Egg Hermit Egg Lighthouse Egg Malachite Egg Mischief Egg Neo Cosmic Egg Obsidian Egg Ornament Egg Pharaoh Egg Picnic Egg Puffer Egg Red Giant Egg Scarecrow Egg Seastar Egg Shadow Egg Snowfall Egg Spooky Tree Egg Summer Solstice Egg Sweet Pea Egg Tarot Egg Thunder Topaz Egg Thunderstorm Egg Tideteller Egg Watermelon Egg Alive Egg Barbarian Egg Blue Tang Egg Bronze Age Egg Clever Egg Dark Fire Egg Depths Egg Devoted Egg Emperor Egg Gilded Knight Egg Gummy Egg Hekate Egg Hibiscus Egg Immortal Egg Iron Age Egg Kabuki Egg Leyline Egg Life Emerald Egg Lightmare Egg Love Letter Egg Masquerade Egg Monster Mash Egg Neo Pansy Egg Neo Sphinx Egg Nutcracker Egg Oriole Egg Peony Egg Pluto Egg Rhodonite Egg Rustling Egg Sea Monster Egg Serious Egg Spirit Warrior Egg St Patricks Egg Sunburst Egg Thunderbird Egg Toucan Egg Umber Onyx Egg Waterway Egg Whale Egg White Rose Egg White Witch Egg Accord Egg Acute Egg Advent Egg Aerial Egg Amazon Egg Amelior Egg Amusement Egg Andromeda Egg Anemone Egg Anomaly Egg Anxious Egg Apparition Egg Arch Beast Egg Arch Tarot Egg Architect Egg Arrowpoint Egg Aspiration Egg Assurance Egg Asterales Egg Auromantic Egg Awakening Egg Ball Gown Egg Ballroom Egg Batch Egg Blackstar Egg Blue Storm Egg Bonehelm Egg Bootes Egg Boreal Egg Botanical Egg Botanist Egg Bouquet Egg Bright Dream Egg Brightbow Egg Brightfin Egg Butterdream Egg Cackle Egg Calmheart Egg Candy Stack Egg Capricious Egg Carefree Egg Carnation Egg Cavalcade Egg Ceremony Egg Chaperone Egg Cherish Egg Chipper Egg Cinderborn Egg Cinnawarm Egg Coal Egg Compassion Egg Confidence Egg Conjur Egg Coolblaze Egg Coolcrest Egg Cosmic Nova Egg Croconile Egg Crucible Egg Cryptid Egg Crystal Charm Egg Cuddle Egg Cutiepie Egg Dark Diamond Egg Dawnstripe Egg Deepthorn Egg Devilish Egg Direfrost Egg Dizzy Egg Dreidel Egg Duskhopper Egg Duskshine Egg Easter Egg Egg Ecological Egg Efflorescent Egg Elite Olympus Egg Enchanted Egg Engagement Egg Esoteric Egg Evanescent Egg Evergreen Egg Evergrowth Egg Evertrue Egg Evocation Egg Evolving Egg Farm Egg Featherborn Egg Featherstrike Egg Feygarden Egg Field Egg Fierce Egg Finery Egg Fisher Egg Flatfoot Egg Flutterspin Egg Fog Egg Forewarning Egg Fornax Egg Fortitude Egg Fowluck Egg Franken Egg Frostborn Egg Frostwolf Egg Furylord Egg Galanthus Egg Gardener Egg Generosity Egg Giza Egg Glacial Egg Glint Egg Glitterscale Egg Glitterspark Egg Goldbloom Egg Golden Faerie Egg Grand Fairytale Egg Grand Rainbow Egg Gravitron Egg Green Thumb Egg Greenwood Egg Halloking Egg Hallowed Egg Hanukkah Egg Hauliday Egg Haunted Cancer Egg Haunted Pisces Egg Heartfelt Egg Hearth Egg Herbalist Egg Heroine Egg Hex Egg Hibernation Egg High Priestess Egg Hive Queen Egg Holt Egg Homunculus Egg Honesty Egg Hopping Egg Hyper Cosmic Egg Hyper Diamond Egg Hypernova Egg Icy Aquamarine Egg Inquisitor Egg Joyous Egg Judge Egg Kaulipia Egg Kea Egg Khepri Egg Kraken Egg Ladybug Egg Lapis Egg Lemongrass Egg Lillian Egg Loathing Egg Lodestar Egg Lost Star Egg Lovelight Egg Lovers Tree Egg Lovescale Egg Loveydovey Egg Lowglow Egg Lucid Egg Lucky Jade Egg Lucky Meadow Egg Lumen Egg Lumeth Egg Lunar Queen Egg Lunaura Egg Lush Egg Magnaura Egg Magnolia Egg Maniacal Egg Mars Egg Matchmaker Egg Medium Egg Metalmark Egg Millenium Egg Monile Egg Morpho Egg Motherly Egg Multihue Egg Muted Egg Mystic Egg Naches Egg Nefertem Egg Neo Pharaoh Egg Neo Rainbow Egg Neo Rapunzel Egg Neo Sugar Plum Egg Neo Valkyrie Egg Nightfall Egg Nile Egg Noble Prince Egg Northern Egg Northern Light Egg Nova Egg Oathkeeper Egg Obtrusive Egg Orchid Egg Pack Egg Paladin Egg Pandora Egg Panic Egg Papyrus Egg Pearlhorn Egg Periwinkle Egg Perky Egg Pillager Egg Plucky Egg Plume Egg Powdered Egg Predator Egg Pretender Egg Primal Flame Egg Primal Growth Egg Primal River Egg Proofed Egg Psyglow Egg Rainbloom Egg Ranunculus Egg Recluse Egg Redbloom Egg Refined Egg Refreshing Egg Regal Moon Egg Regeneration Egg Remorseful Egg Renewal Egg Resolute Egg Restful Egg Ridgewave Egg Ripple Egg Rivertroll Egg Rogue Egg Roguish Egg Rose Angel Egg Roseglass Egg Rouge Egg Royalwing Egg Ruby Crown Egg Salamagic Egg Scalloped Egg Seedling Egg Seraph Egg Serenade Egg Serpens Egg Shift Egg Shining Sand Egg Sightly Egg Sky Knight Egg Skylady Egg Skymark Egg Skymour Egg Skyview Egg Skywind Egg Sled Egg Sleigh Egg Snarl Egg Snowdrift Egg Snowdrop Egg Snowhide Egg Snowtide Egg Soft Shine Egg Softwing Egg Sol Egg Solstice Egg Solunar Egg Sootfoot Egg Soul Guide Egg Sour Egg Speaker Egg Spectra Violet Egg Spectre Egg Spellbound Egg Spirit Crystal Egg Springshine Egg Springshine Egg Starbright Egg Starflight Egg Steampunk Egg Stoic Egg Stormcaller Egg Streamer Egg Striking Egg Styleplume Egg Styx Egg Sundown Egg Sunshine Egg Sunstalk Egg Sweetling Egg Sweetums Egg swift wind Egg Tectonic Egg Temperance Egg Terra Egg Thicket Egg Thunderlord Egg Tower Egg Tower Egg Traveler Egg Trouble Egg Tsunami Egg Uncovered Egg Underlord Egg Unfamiliar Egg Uplift Egg Ursa Minor Egg Vela Egg Venom Egg Vibrant Egg Vizier Egg Vogue Egg Voidgrowth Egg Voracious Egg Warbler Egg Wave Racer Egg Wheel Egg White Chocolate Egg White Christmas Egg Widow Egg Wightlord Egg Wintergild Egg Wrath Egg Yuletide Egg Adorechew Egg Aerialist Egg Anchor Egg Arborwing Egg Avenging Egg Ballot Egg Begonia Egg Brave Egg Bright Phoenix Egg Brightrim Egg Brightshine Egg Bronzetalon Egg Buzzing Egg Candy Cane Egg Candy Corn Egg Cherubic Egg Chillsoul Egg Chillstar Egg Cloud Rider Egg Comet Egg Commanding Egg Conservation Egg Crimson Storm8 Egg Curse Egg Cutie Egg Dazzlestar Egg Deceit Egg Delta Egg Demise Egg Dusk Unicorn Egg Earth Egg Empyreal Egg Esburn Egg Fern Egg Flutterdusk Egg Frigid Egg Girlpower Egg Goldvine Egg Graffiti Egg Grandcaster Egg Grave Egg Haute Egg Herd Egg Hippocampus Egg Hocus Egg Holiplay Egg Honeycomb Egg Hurried Egg Hyper Dino Egg Imperator Egg Ironwave Egg Jinx Egg Kindheart Egg Labyrinth Egg Littleroot Egg Lustrous Egg Magma Egg Mama Egg Meditation Egg Metallurgy Egg Mum Egg Mutua Egg Nebula Opal Egg Neo Eclipse Egg Noble King Egg Pastel Egg Pink Lotus Egg Placid Egg Playmate Egg Pointrie Egg Poison Ivy Egg Primal Arcane Egg Quilted Egg Ra Egg Rainbow Rose Egg Red Stem Egg Reindeer Egg Rex Begonia Egg Ripscale Egg Romeo Egg Rose Knight Egg Rose Magma Egg Sanguinary Egg Scarlet Egg Seabringer Egg Sentinel Egg Shamrock Egg Shooting Star Egg Slumbersoul Egg Soft Heart Egg Solar Crest Egg Speckled Egg Spellthorn Egg Spirit Egg Spirited Egg Stalker Egg Sunstone Egg Teacher Egg Three Kings Egg Trepidation Egg Triangulum Egg Twin Star Egg Venetian Egg Verse Egg Vivid Egg Whirlwind Egg Windfall Egg Winterfang Egg Abyss Egg Avalanche Egg Battlecaster Egg Black Cat Egg Chariot Egg Dark Prime Chrono Egg Decorative Egg Flametail Egg Fluorescent Egg Frostfire Egg High Noon Egg Hum Egg Hydra Egg Igloo Egg Ivory Egg Lunar Rooster Egg Magpie Egg Marionette Egg Mire Egg Monsoon Egg Moon Petal Egg Neo Glacius Egg Oni Egg Palmate Egg Petal Egg Pharomage Egg Plague Doctor Egg Pokey Egg Rainbow End Egg Rose Tigereye Egg Scorch Egg Snow Globe Egg Sorcerer Egg Swimmer Egg Venomous Egg Villainess Egg Warpaint Egg Waxwing Egg Wildheart Egg Winddancer Egg Airborne Egg Alexandrite Egg Ambition Egg Animated Egg Annoyed Egg Ballet Egg Bardic Egg Bejeweled Egg Bellis Egg Black Jackal Egg Blue Peacock Egg Bluebell Egg Bone Egg Cinder Fyre Egg Companion Egg Cryosphinx Egg Dark Leaf Egg Daydream Egg Downpour Egg Doze Egg Dualove Egg Duskbloom Egg Elegance Egg Eleghost Egg Elite Arcane Egg Eridanus Egg Fantasy Egg Feycaster Egg Filigree Egg Fir Egg Fizzy Egg Flawless Egg Flopsy Egg Flurry Egg Fluttering Egg Foreverbloom Egg Fortune Egg Free Spirit Egg Fresh Egg Friendly Egg Fright Lady Egg Fruition Egg Galaxy Egg Glass Egg Grand Tropic Egg Guardian Egg Harmony Knight Egg Haunted Taurus Egg Heartstruck Egg Hectic Egg Heirloom Egg Imp Egg Imperatrix Egg Impetuous Egg Impetus Egg Joyfrost Egg Lark Egg Lightspeed Egg Lingering Egg Loki Egg Lost Spirit Egg Lovers Egg Lunar Seal Egg Meadow Egg Mysticaster Egg Needle Egg Neo Blue Egg Neo Dapper Egg Neo Glasswing Egg Neo Green Egg Neo Iris Egg Neo Lotus Egg Neo Pink Egg Neo purple Egg Neo Red Egg Neo White Egg Neo Yellow Egg Nether Egg Nevermore Egg Nouveau Egg Ocean Egg Odyssey Egg Orca Egg Pearlescent Egg Petalthorn Egg Pink Rose Egg Pirate Egg Plasma Egg Poetry Egg Potion Egg Primal Rune Egg Reanimated Egg Renewable Egg Ritual Egg Robust Egg Scandinavian Egg Scion Egg Sea Turtle Egg Seaking Egg Seaqueen Egg Shadow Heart Egg Skyheight Egg Skyray Egg Skysurfer Egg Snowlady Egg Steadfast Egg Steel Samurai Egg Storybook Egg Sweetheart Egg Swoop Egg Tide Egg Tiger Lily Egg Tricrown Egg Tunisian Egg Ultraviolet Egg Underworld Egg Unruly Egg USA Egg Valegram Egg Vintage Egg Warrior King Egg Wraith Egg Zephyr Egg Battlemage Egg Beastmaster Egg Bengal Egg Black Ice Egg Confection Egg Cove Egg Crystal Egg Dark Air Egg Dusk Egg Earthquake Egg Fire Garnet Egg Firstsight Egg Frostbite Egg Garnet Egg Ghoststone Egg Intricate Egg Egg Irish Egg Mad Scientist Egg Peafowl Egg Phase Egg Sea Egg Secretary Egg Spelunking Egg Starfall Egg Sunshower Egg Thai Egg Treasure Egg Above Egg Amour Egg Amourshine Egg Ancient Mummy Egg Ancient Star Egg Arbiter Egg Augur Egg Autumn Egg Below Egg Blacksmith Egg Blast Egg Brazil Egg Buried Bones Egg Camellia Egg Carver Egg Cascade Egg Chandelier Egg Channel Egg Charter Egg Chrysanthemum Egg Clownfish Egg Coast Mother Egg Cobra Egg Colossal Egg Compass Rose Egg Dark Mountain Egg Darkseeker Egg Delicraft Egg Direshell Egg Djinn Egg Dozer Egg Duskraven Egg Elite Royal Egg Emerald Knight Egg Emotion Egg Enlightened Egg Faefrost Egg Feathered Egg Festive Light Egg Flower Power Egg Frosted Pine Egg Giving Egg Groom Egg Hammerhead Egg Headless Egg Illusionist Egg Inverted Egg Jack O Egg Jackal Egg Jigsaw Egg Knight Egg Lady Egg Landbringer Egg Lovebird Egg Luckmane Egg Magnificent Egg Menorah Egg Mithril Egg Mountain Egg Naughty Egg Nebula Egg Neo Chromatic Egg Neo Kitsune Egg Neo Supreme Egg Neo Unicorn Egg Neo Valiant Egg Night Imp Egg Nightflower Egg Noble Princess Egg Panda Egg Papa Egg Perennial Egg Philippine Egg Pioneer Egg Polkadot Egg Pot of Gold Egg Pretty Egg Purview Egg Repulsed Egg Shatterfright Egg Shimmer Egg Sightseer Egg Slipstream Egg Snap Egg Sprinkle Egg Starstruck Egg Storm Egg Summer Egg Sunwing Egg Swedish Egg Sweet Tooth Egg White Lotus Egg Winter Glass Egg Winterchill Egg World Egg Albino Peacock Egg Alpha Dark One Egg Artist Egg Battlesteed Egg Blossom Egg Bright Diamond Egg Cadabra Egg Cartographer Egg Centurion Egg Corsair Egg Daredevil Egg Dark Amethyst Egg Dark Unicorn Egg Darkwing Egg Fire Giant Egg Full Moon Egg Hula Egg Kung Fu Egg Nature Egg Northstar Egg Northwest Egg Omega Light Mother Egg Paisley Egg Quicksand Egg Rose Gold Egg Sandstorm Egg Seacrypt Egg Skull Egg Sky Egg Sobek Egg Starry Night Egg Time Travel Egg Tulip Egg Wardrum Egg Warrior Prince Egg Warrior Queen Egg White Bengal Egg White Gold Egg Allshade Egg Amaryllis Egg Apex Egg Aquamarine Egg Aquarknight Egg Arch Fey Egg Archipelago Egg Ash Egg Azure Wing Egg Bashful Egg Beauty Egg Bride of Franken Egg Bright Lotus Egg Canopic Egg Chill Egg Cirque Egg Conjuration Egg Couture Egg Cultivated Egg Cygnus Egg Dawnlight Egg Daybearer Egg Defender Egg Doom Egg Ember Star Egg Fabulady Egg Fairshine Egg Faithful Egg Fanciful Egg Fireblood Egg Fragile Egg Gladiator Egg Glitterstar Egg Goldleaf Egg Graceful Egg Guiding Star Egg Haunted Libra Egg Jellybean Egg Jeweled Egg Juliette Egg Jungle Egg Kaiju Egg Leafprint Egg Leer Egg Leviathan Egg Lightning Egg Lilac Egg Luminous Egg Lunar Mouse Egg Medic Egg Neo Anubis Egg Newleaf Egg Noirvine Egg Nordic Egg Peppermint Egg Perfume Egg Perfume Egg Plunder Egg Ponderous Egg Preppy Egg Queen Egg Rainbow Heart Egg Rainbow King Egg Rainghost Egg Regrowth Egg Repose Egg Shadowshine Egg Sky Fairy Egg Snowball Egg Spellgrain Egg Spirit Queen Egg Star Egg Star Egg Supersonic Egg Sweater Egg Transformative Egg Umbrage Egg Unrestrained Egg Weaver Egg Wicked Egg Wolper Egg Wonderparty Egg Zen Egg British Egg Corona Egg Dark Orchid Egg Drama Egg Dreamweaver Egg Dueler Egg Fool Egg Gold Hunter Egg Ice Knight Egg Lotus Egg Lunar Monkey Egg Magic Lamp Egg Moonrise Egg Pathfinder Egg Pumpking Egg Seawitch Egg Sun Egg Supreme Egg Acrobat Egg Alchemy Egg Ancestor Egg Black Knight Egg Bonsai Egg Chroma Egg Congo Egg Courier Egg Crescent Egg Demolition Egg Ember Egg England Egg Flutterglint Egg Freedom Egg Gildring Egg Gold Horizon Egg Gold Lion Egg Halloqueen Egg Hot Air Egg Huntress Egg Islander Egg Kaboom Egg Kintsugi Egg Light Mother Egg Mama Klaws Egg Mummy Egg Nightmare Egg Old Klaws Egg Opal Egg Ornate Egg Shining Luck Egg Sky Giant Egg Skyshatter Egg Soul Egg Suave Egg Torchbearer Egg Tribal Egg Umberglow Egg Uranus Egg Valkyrie Egg Vinum Egg Warden Egg Warmth Egg White Ninja Egg Wild Imp Egg Wish Egg Wood Nymph Egg Aqua Egg Averse Egg Award Egg Bioluminescent Egg Bold Floral Egg Brazilian Egg Brightsky Egg Budding Egg Choir Egg Chromastripe Egg Cozy Egg Crest Egg Crux Egg Crystal Hearth Egg Dawn Egg Daycast Egg Dayflower Egg Deadwood Egg Dire Wolf Egg Elite Champion Egg Falling Leaf Egg Foolish Egg Gildheart Egg Gryffin Egg Herald Egg Lazuli Egg Leader Egg Limerick Egg Luxor Egg Mexican Egg Mistletoe Egg Occult Egg Overlove Egg Paeonia Egg Palebark Egg Pary Star Egg Pegasus 2nd Egg Peryton Egg Pink Pixie Egg Playful New Year Egg Pleasantry Egg Prime Arcane Egg Rainbow Queen Egg Reflector Egg Rhyme Egg Royal Specter Egg Samurai Egg Showy Egg Sincere Egg Skelelady Egg Skeleton Egg Sleet Egg Slumber Egg Stern Egg Strongshine Egg Swirl Egg Tombstone Egg Tree Topper Egg Tropic Tide Egg Tune Egg Unicorn 2nd Egg Valor Egg Whiteout Egg Wreath Egg Archer Egg Cursed Idol Egg Demon Egg Ethereal Egg Glowstone Egg Immovable Egg Ironbark Egg Jungle Queen Egg Kaleido Egg Koi Egg Lamplight Egg Nightwing Egg River Egg Silver Egg Solar Egg Sphinx Egg Stainglass Egg Stalactite Egg Stalagmite Egg Artifact Egg Ghoul Egg Goldwing Egg Krampus Egg Lost Bones Egg Ninja Egg Overgrowth Egg Skeletal Knight Egg Strength Egg Sulfur Egg Web Egg Auntie Egg Bladewing Egg Breakup Egg Cleopatra Egg Contender Egg Daywing Egg Egyptian Egg Gale Spirit Egg Gelt Egg Glasswing Egg Good Luck Egg Holiday Egg Lunar Luck Egg Neo Diamond Egg Neo Witch Egg Night Bloom Egg Snuggle Egg Spider Egg Spring Egg Summer Lily Egg Transformation Egg Wicked Witch Egg Aqua Fyre Egg Beacon Egg Borealis Egg Gold Fyre Egg Hypnosis Egg Kiss Egg Templar Egg Turkish Egg Broken Heart Egg Creepy Egg Double Dye Egg Empress Egg Gilded Egg Jingle Egg Knightmare Egg Lunar Fyre Egg Nautilus Egg Old Trinket Egg Patriotic Egg Poprock Egg Prize Fighter Egg Rune Egg Silver Screen Egg Solar Fyre Egg Stellar Aurora Egg Blackhole Egg Swamp Egg Yin Yang Egg Dread Captain Egg Golden Egg Moth Egg Stalwart Egg Treat Egg Lonely Egg Miss Mummy Egg True Love Egg Cleric Egg Father Sky Egg Stunning Egg Universe Egg Amber Egg Dynasty Egg Little Red Egg Midas Egg Nano Egg Resolution Egg Skylord Egg Hidden Gem Egg Mother Earth Egg Orbit Egg Dearest Egg Rattle Egg Beloved Egg Forever Egg Skeleking Egg Skelequeen Egg The Dark One Egg Egg Hunt Egg Paper_Flower Egg Sunrise_Begonia Egg Wild_Rose Egg Aria Egg Camelopardalis Egg Cetus Egg Chamaeleon Egg Classic Egg Hobgoblin Egg Loot Egg Luddite Egg Magus Egg Merchant Egg Monastic Egg Musca Egg Night Flight Egg Opulent Egg Pavo Egg Stellar Core Egg Warrior Egg Agent Egg Burn Egg Conquerer Egg Gamer Egg Howler Egg Lust Egg Matrix Egg Memorial Egg Movie Egg Nightshade Egg Pinecone Egg Popcorn Egg Racer Egg Reaper Egg Snowcone Egg Soda Egg Soldier Egg Tornado Egg Veteran Egg Victory Egg Volcano Egg Warrior Egg Wonder Egg Afterlife Egg Honor Egg Aboriginal Egg Anglerfish Egg

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