[ Previously Supreme Dynasty ]
[ Providing Restaurant, Bakery, and Dragon Story Database since 2011 ]
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I'm updating some code for functionality. It's a minor change, but requires some time to update. Apologies for the inconvenience and delay.

I will try my best to get these updates up. I really like this week's goals! RL H/W will be busy next week as well.

So it's been a while since I've been able to even open Dragon Story and can't really play anymore as it keeps crashing. My device shouldn't be the issue. Apologies for the lack of updates on Dragon Story!

Sometimes, I don't complete goals as fast, so sending screenshots help to provide the information more quickly :)

updated Updated
Maintenance/Currently Updating Maintenance/Currently Updating, the website is still functional. Intermittent Updates.
Maintenance/Currently Updating Maintenance/Currently Updating, some features may not be working while I update.
Maintenance/Currently Updating Intermittently unavailable / updates delayed.

See previous announcments


I don't know Kim personally, but her work on the Supereme Dynasty Dragon Story website has kept me playing the game. Her information has been thorough and timely, and even in the midst of a busy personal life she is always friendly and helpful. I reference her site nearly every day - either to check and see which dragon egg I've bred (never the ones I want!) or to look up egg elements in a vain attempt to breed them before they disappear. I am certain that if I had not found her website I would have quit this game long ago - the Dragon Story forums are cumbersome, difficult to search and riddled with totally useless information - I never visit them because I can never find what I need. Kim's site is clear and concise and to the point. Tells me what I need to know to try to keep up with the endless and frustrating myriad of new and impossible element combinations. To have someone who is not even employed by the company marketing the game spend so much of her personal time and effort promoting, supporting and explaining the game is a truly noteworthy action. THANK YOU Kim!

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Message Board
- Anyone else going crazy with the new goal format? I’m wasting hard earned gems just to get through ????
MzDLish - Add MzDLish on Restaurant and Bakery Story if you are a daily player that tip and gift goal and basic parts. Silent daily players welcome
MzDLish - Add MzDLish on Restaurant and Bakery Story if you are a daily player that tip and gift goal and basic parts. Silent daily players welcome
- I was looking through the gifts & noticed a few oven manuals & recipe manual gift options. Will these allow access to the ovens or recipes they are for?
- Does any one else have trouble finishing the goals since RS changed the amount of dishes you have to cook/, 40 dishes at 10 hours to cook each?

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If you have any problems regarding Gamerologizm, please email me and I'll get back with you as soon as I can.
g a m e r o l o g i z m @ g m a i l . c o m

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